We believe that it's a conflict of interest when Internet service providers operate their own speed tests. A third party opinion is necessary and the provider shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the process. When providers host their own speed tests they eliminate the variables that you're here to test. Namely the Internet route itself. This test is unbiased, it tests and grades all providers on the same criteria. They want you to think your connection is running perfectly... but is it really?
Melbourne VIC, AU Speed Test
Test My Download Speed Test My Upload Speed
Do you want to research connection speed for Melbourne VIC, AU? TestMy.net's Download Speed Test and Upload Speed Test log connection information to allow users to research real world Internet speed test results. TestMy.net's speed test database stores information on millions of Internet connections. This tool can average connection speed for any Internet provider, country or city in the world. So you can easily average speed test results, compare maximum speeds, research logged results and find the fastest ISPs for Melbourne VI.
Top ISP Rank |
1 | Fuzenet | 193.2 Mbps 337 Mbps 36 Mbps 43 clients took 228 tests recently |
2 | Superloop | 180.6 Mbps 283 Mbps 23 Mbps 749 clients took 2915 tests recently |
3 | Launtel | 168 Mbps 196 Mbps 38 Mbps 51 clients took 244 tests recently |
4 | Leaptel | 125.7 Mbps 205 Mbps 17 Mbps 231 clients took 882 tests recently |
5 | Host Universal | 106.4 Mbps 152 Mbps 19 Mbps 114 clients took 356 tests recently |
6 | Aussie | 97.2 Mbps 150 Mbps 17 Mbps 474 clients took 1653 tests recently |
7 | iCloud Private | 85.5 Mbps 134 Mbps 15 Mbps 284 clients took 368 tests recently |
8 | Exetel | 84.5 Mbps 118 Mbps 28 Mbps 151 clients took 245 tests recently |
9 | Optus | 78 Mbps 107 Mbps 20 Mbps 1201 clients took 2288 tests recently |
10 | TPG Internet | 75.9 Mbps 109 Mbps 20 Mbps 1085 clients took 2065 tests recently |
11 | GSL Networks | 68 Mbps 95 Mbps 16 Mbps 145 clients took 330 tests recently |
12 | Vocus | 58.4 Mbps 85 Mbps 14 Mbps 725 clients took 1687 tests recently |
13 | Southern Phone | 55.4 Mbps 71 Mbps 12 Mbps 102 clients took 192 tests recently |
14 | Telstra | 49.1 Mbps 68 Mbps 17 Mbps 2133 clients took 4929 tests recently |
15 | Zscaler | 40.7 Mbps 56 Mbps 19 Mbps 172 clients took 782 tests recently |
16 | Vodafone | 34.6 Mbps 44 Mbps 17 Mbps 712 clients took 1183 tests recently |
17 | Netskope | 34.2 Mbps 35 Mbps 20 Mbps 49 clients took 2093 tests recently |
18 | Intergrid Group | 27.8 Mbps 46 Mbps 3 Mbps 109 clients took 461 tests recently |
Real Speed Test
Other speed tests, especially tests offered by your Internet provider try to eliminate routing factors. This can make your connection appear faster than it really is. If you visit many websites in the North America, Europe, Australia or Asia the results returned here will be a more realistic representation of your useable connection. Truthfully, do you want to know how fast your connection is within your providers network or do you want to know how fast it is to the locations where the websites you visit are being hosted? TestMy.net is not a best case scenario connection test and will test your Internet under real world conditions. [read more] [hide text]